Transmax and its STREAMS Intelligent Transport System (ITS) have been recognised
as world-leading by numerous national and international awards.

13th ITS Australia Awards
Transmax is a finalist for the 13th ITS Australia Awards, Excellence in Transport Data Award, for the STREAMS Smart Motorways Dashboard. The dashboard provides a suite of visuals and reports designed to monitor, assess, and optimise motorway performance using live data.

Australian Road Safety Awards 2015
Transmax (along with the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads , and other state government partners including the Public Safety Business Agency) won the State Government category and the Prestigious Founder’s Award for Outstanding Achievement for the Emergency Vehicle Priority Project.

ITS World Congress Hall of Fame 2015
The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (with Transmax and other state government partners) was inducted into the ITS World Congress Hall of Fame in the Local Government category, for playing a leading role in the ITS community and particularly for the Emergency Vehicle Priority Project

Queensland Road Safety State Government Award 2015
Transmax won this award for the Emergency Vehicle Priority project

ITS Australia National ITS Awards 2014
Transmax, along with its Queensland Government project partners, received this award for the Emergency Vehicle Priority project

AIIA iAwards 2013
Transmax, along with its Queensland Government project partners, received this award for the Emergency Vehicle Priority project

AIIA iAwards 2013
Transmax was the Queensland State winner and national winner in the categories of e-Government for STREAMS® Motorway Management, and Tools and Infrastructure for the STREAMS® ITS platform

Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) 2011
Transmax was the overall winner in the e-Government category and received a Merit Award in the Tools and Infrastructure category

Australian Government Achievement Award 2011
West Gate Freeway Upgrade

IPA Smart Infrastructure Award 2010
M1 Freeway Management System

National ITS Australia Excellence Award 2010
M1 Upgrade

IEEE CSS Transition to Practice Award 2010
Ramp Metering Algorithms

Alliance Contracting Excellence Awards 2010
Honorary Mention for Excellence in Major Capital Alliances

Excellence for Technology Award 2009
Coordinated Freeway Ramp Signals Pilot on M1 Freeway

Excellence in Engineering Innovation Award
Coordinated Freeway Ramp Signals Pilot on M1 Freeway